Wednesday, 28 April 2010


He was one of the intellectual leaders of the Efficiency Movement and his ideas, broadly conceived, were highly influential in the Progressive Era. He traited people like machine and because of it he used to say that for high profit staff need good equipment, training, peac rate and organisation.


He created Hawthorne effect. It is a beneficial impact on staff workrate and moral on a active,personal interest being shown by management. It comes from Mayos resarches into work place bahavior at a factory at Hawthorne, USA between 19271932.

He was attempting to measure the impact on productivity of improving the lighting conditions within the factory. He followed Taylors scientific principles by testing the changes against a control, a section of the factory with unchanged lighting. Although productivity rose where the lighting was improved, Mayo was suprised to find a similar benefit changes had taken place.

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