Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Why is Facebook more popular than Google?

In our days Facebook become one of the most visited website, the worst calamity is in the United States, were million of peoples turn to the social networking site to play online games. where there is more than 400 million of regular users. This event is not only weighted in US, but also in more countries. One of the most chocking information is that not only teenager's used to use it for all days, but also oldest peoples, isn't strange?

Now, come back to our question, why Facebook is more popular?

This site is just more popular in US where the market share of visits increased 185 per cent last week comparing in the same week in 2009. During this same period of time increased just 9 per cent.
I have to underline one really important aspect, situation where Facebook site is more popular than Google ones is just in the US, in the UK is always a distance between this to network. Maybe because of that Google's market share of Internet search is so much greater.

In my opinion, popularity of using Facebook will stop in some years, as I remember this same was with and other websites.

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